* This listing is for the specific crystal shown in photos.
passion - action - focus - determination - discipline
If you are tired of being all daydreams and no action, Carnelian is here to kick your butt into gear. I am not kidding when I tell you that this crystal is THE master motivator. Keep it in your line of sight in any situation that you are prone to procrastinate.
I keep my Carnelian with me when I'm having trouble focusing at work, when I don't want to do my daily housework, when I'm tempted to skip my scheduled workouts, and any time I need to rely on discipline.
There are so many things that we don't necessarily want to do, but that get us closer to our goals and to the people we want to be. It can be difficult this day and age to stay focused in a world full of distractions. We often find ourselves depressed because we have goals and dreams and ideals about our lives, but we don't know how to execute them.
Carnelian is that tough love buddy that says, "JUST DO IT!" No excuses, no procrastination, just complete the task at hand and you will feel amazing! There is no better feeling than sticking to the promises we make ourselves and progressing towards our best. I absolutely love Carnelian and all it stands for.
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